
Mercury and Uranus affect

 LET'S SPEND OUR ENERGY ON PLEASANT BUSINESS! When the Moon is in Leo, we say hello to the week. Our organizational work, the areas we want to control gain importance. Political leaders may make important statements this week. Since Leo is very connected with love, children, pleasure and hobbies, we may want to include more of these issues in our lives this week. With the positive aspect of Venus and Mars on Monday, our relations can blossom, at the same time we can leave behind the troubles and problems we experience, act harmoniously in relationships, and see that we grow with these relationships. On the same day, Mercury's positive aspect with Uranus shows that we will look at life with flexible eyes and that we have the potential to take important business opportunities into our lives in the works we will undertake with people with different perspectives, understanding or awareness. In fact, we can use this week to reconsider some issues in Mercury retrograde, to think abou